Midori Francis leaving Grey’s Anatomy, Mika Yasuda

Grey's Anatomy season 20
Photo: ABC

For the second time in the past several days, another exit on Grey’s Anatomy has been announced — Midori Francis is now departing.

While ABC and/or the producers have yet to confirm the news, Deadline is reporting that the actress is in negotiations to return next season, mostly for the purpose of wrapping up her storyline. This comes on the heels of the news that Jake Borelli is also in talks to return next season to wrap up his storyline.

The difference between the exits appears to be this — Borelli’s departure is drive by cost-cutting measures. Meanwhile, it appears as though Francis’ departure is driven in part by her desire to do some other things. Being a part of a show like Grey’s Anatomy can be career-affirming, but it also takes a large portion of the year. It can be hard to do a lot of other things with that in mind.

Now, let’s just go ahead here and hope that the exit here for Yasuda at least makes sense. The character was one of the new interns who joined the show back for its creative reboot, and we suppose that realistically, not all of them were going to be around long-term. This was also the cast the last time that the series brought on board a major crop of intern characters, as well.

You will still have more opportunities to see Francis through the rest of this season; at the very least, we are not looking at a situation here where her storyline is about to come to some sort of screeching or dramatic halt. Because the writers also have time, there is no reason to think that she’s going to just be killed off and that will be all the closure we get here.

Related Be sure to get some more news regarding Grey’s Anatomy, including the departure of Borelli from the show

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