Survivor 46 episode 12 sneak peek: Ben’s brain fart?

Survivor 46
Photo: CBS

As we prepare to see Survivor 46 episode 12 on CBS Wednesday night, let’s just get into something that makes almost no sense. Why in the world did Ben vote for Kenzie at the last Tribal Council?

Well, in a new sneak peek over at the official Survivor YouTube Channel, the show’s resident rocker claims that there was no real strategy behind the vote — he just, in his own words, “drew a blank” that he was supposed to write down Venus. He then confirmed it in confessional! We had thought that maybe this was insurance in the event that Venus playing an idol or something … but apparently no? This is all incredibly strange. We would’ve understood more if Ben claimed this to the other players and told the truth to us in confessional. But why lie in there? We have to buy what he’s selling.

Of course, all of this could prove to be a big problem for Ben moving forward. He and Kenzie formed a close bond earlier this season when she helped him in the middle of the night — now, she feels incredibly hurt and honestly, the fact that there is no strategic explanation for it feels worse. Even if Ben is being truthful, this is the sort of thing that is really hard to believe.

Does Ben have any chance of winning? He seems like a cool guy, but he doesn’t have many moves to claim as his own. This is a part of what’s interesting about the game at this point — Maria and Kenzie are easily the frontrunners to win, with Charlie somewhere after that. Beyond this, though, you have Ben, Q, and Liz. Do any of them have a chance? (We at least think Q could win in that configuration.)

Related Be sure to get more thoughts about this Survivor episode and what could be coming

What do you most want to see moving into Survivor 46 episode 12 on CBS Wednesday?

Do you think that anyone is going to buy Ben’s explanation? Share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back for some other updates.

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