Law & Order: Organized Crime season 5: Crossovers possible?

Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4
Photo: NBC

As some of you may be familiar already, there is going to be a Law & Order: Organized Crime season 5 coming, but at a new home. The show is now heading over to Peacock! What exactly does that mean? Well, the ten-episode streaming order allows the show to keep going and in theory, there are some other changes that could come. After all, being on streaming could allow the show to tell stories that are significantly darker … if they wanted to at least.

So what will this mean for crossovers? Well, there are still a lot of questions that come with that, and for good reason. It made sense to stage a lot of Benson – Stabler meet-ups when the show aired after SVU but moving forward, things are a little bit more complicated.

While everything does at least stay positive, let’s just say that nobody wants to commit. Speaking per TVLine, Jeff Bader, president, program planning strategy, NBCUniversal Entertainment, had the following to say about the possibility of something more:

I want to say yes [to some crossovers] … But no, we have not heard anything about the creative for next season yet.”

These are conversations that will probably happen over the coming months and personally, we do tend to think that there will be at least some sort of crossover coming. Why? Well, let’s just say that it has a thing or two to do with wanting to encourage viewers to watch the series at its new home. We know that a transition like this can be rather challenging and with that in mind, it makes some sense to give people an added incentive — take, for example, Benson turning up in the first Organized Crime episode at its new home.

Related Be sure to get some more information now entering the Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4 finale

Do you think we are going to see more crossovers on Law & Order: Organized Crime as we move forward?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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