Sugar season 1 episode 7 spoilers: The last before finale

Sugar season 1
Photo: Apple TV+

As you prepare to see Sugar season 1 episode 7 on Apple TV+ next week, the first thing to say is that the finale is right around the corner! Over the next two episodes, it is fair to say that the entire story could be blown up in all sorts of new directions.

After all, just remember (spoiler alert) what we learned in episode 6: John Sugar is an alien! The fact that he’s from another planet makes his entire purpose there all the more fascinating. Is it all just research, or is there another goal in mind? You have to wonder about this but beyond just that, what’s going to happen at the same time with Olivia. The search for her is still the thing that we have been most invested in for much of the season.

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Now that we’ve said all of this, let’s just go ahead and share a few more specifics for episode 7, shall we? The title here is “The Friends You Keep,” and the synopsis below gives you a better sense of what’s ahead:

Sugar’s fears for the safety of his friends leads him to a clandestine gathering where he learns a dangerous secret — and the truth about Olivia.

One of the bigger questions you have to wonder is why Sugar’s higher-ups were so worried about him looking into Olivia in the first place. Is all of this wrapped into some sort of alien conspiracy? All of this does feel so much more complicated now that we know the truth about who the character really is. There are still a lot of explanations for Olivia’s whereabouts and why she was taken … but it definitely feels like you have to look in specific directions now.

Related See Colin Farrell and the rest of the Sugar cast read some fan theories

What do you most want to see moving into Sugar season 1 episode 7 over at Apple TV+?

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