Sugar season 1 episode 6: Colin Farrell, cast read fan theories!

In less than 24 hours you are going to have a chance to see Sugar season 1 episode 6 — suffice it to say, this one will be big. Apple TV+ is already hyping this particular installment up to be one of the most important of the entire series, so let’s hope it lives up to that premise!
While you wait to see it, why not go ahead and have a laugh? This is, at least for now, what we are happy to provide in this piece.
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If you head over to the link here, you can see a new video in which Colin Farrell, Amy Ryan, and Kirby all read off some of the most entertaining fan theories that have been put out there. There are some pretty bonkers ones that have been introduced in the fan community, including that John Sugar is 1) a vampire, 2) an AI, 3) actually undead, 4) an angel, 5) actually Olivia’s father, and a whole lot more. The cast all seem to have a laugh over this, which is made even funnier by the fact that they all actually know the truth already.
Our hope is obviously that episode 6 does reveal the truth, mostly due to the fact that it gives you some time to deal with the aftermath of it in the remaining episodes. Even after we learn more about the character’s true identity and/or past, it’s not as though the entire dramatic tension of the show is sapped away. There are still a number of other things to wonder about and discuss here, with the biggest one being the whereabouts of Olivia Siegel. After all, remember that this is our primary entry point to this story and without knowing that, what else would we really know at this point? The answer is “not much.”
Related – Get some more news now on this week’s Sugar
What do you most want to see moving into Sugar season 1 episode 6 when it arrives on Apple TV+?
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