Power Book IV: Force season 3 premiere date: A May 2024 update

Now that we are into the month of May, what more is there to say when it comes to Power Book IV: Force season 3 over at Starz?
Now, it goes without saying, but we’d like to see the show back on the air sooner rather than later. That is especially the case since production is currently taking place! Joseph Sikora and the rest of the cast are pretty deep into the story at this point, even if we surprisingly have not heard all that much when it comes to new additions … at least not yet.
Let’s get into premiere dates for a moment, shall we? At the time of this writing, there has not been much of an indication that new episodes are going to be coming anytime soon. Our hope is that we can see Power Book IV: Force on this fall, but that is still far from confirmed. Given Starz and their history of making us wait forever to see shows back, it is not insane to think it could be early 2025! We just think that October or November would make a good bit more sense, especially since there is value in airing this new season before we get around to the next chapter of Raising Kanan. This keeps all the shows in a certain sequential order.
As for what lies ahead this season, a lot of it could prove to be revenge … though a lot of the finer details still remain to be seen. Is Mireya still alive? Based on that ominous phone call from Miguel to Tommy at the end of season 2, there is reason for a lot of concern. However, we still wouldn’t be shocked if there is more to this story than it at first appears.
Then, there is also a question about Claudia: Is she really gone?
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Power Book IV: Force now, including other discussions on the future
What do you most want to see moving into Power Book IV: Force season 3 at Starz?
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