Under the Bridge episode 4: What do we need?

In a little over 24 hours Under the Bridge episode 4 is going to arrive on Hulu, and there is quite a bit of info we still need — at least through the lens of the show.
Admittedly, one of the greatest challenges that comes with watching a show like this is trying to recognize what is out there about the Reena Virk case, but how little said characters or the show’s general audience may know. Take, for example, how Reena ended up away from her parents for a stretch of time. It is addressed in the first few episodes, but there is not much of a full explanation.
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Through episode 4, it is our hope that the picture of the past starts to become clearer for viewers who are unfamiliar with the case. After all, it is only through this can we understand fully the mindset of Reena through her final days, alongside that of her parents and the other girls at Seven Oaks. There are missing pieces that we still need in order to explain their dynamic.
At the very least, we can go ahead and say that a significant part of this upcoming story is set in the past, as we are going to learn a lot about the history of Reena’s parents. This could further explain why they are how they are, but also accent further the tragedy that they are eventually left to deal with. Even if the show is likely to give answers (after all, the truth about Reena’s death is known), will there ever be a way for them to heal?
For now, we’ll take the show one episode at a time, and we recognize that the halfway is right around the corner.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Under the Bridge now, including what else is coming up
What do you think that Under the Bridge episode 4 is going to give us?
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