Survivor 46 episode 10 sneak peek: Who wants Q out now?

Survivor 46
Photo: CBS

On Wednesday night you’re going to have a chance to see Survivor 46 episode 10 — so who will be the next person out of the game?

Well, one of the things that is so great about this season is that targets tend to shift in the blink of an eye. For a good chunk of this past episode, Q was the easy person to take out, though there was also talk here and there about Tiffany until she started talking about her idol. From there, we ended up seeing Hunter get burned after he decided not to play his idol.

So who is on the outside looking in right now? Think Liz. In a sneak peek over here, you can see her explain that she feels silly after being left out of the vote — also, she wanted Q out! Most people seem to want him out of the game at this point!

Later within this preview, we also have a chance to see Tiff discuss how she’s over some of Q’s antics and wants to see him out of the game next … but will this actually happen? Here is the thing. This is a guy who may stir the pot a lot, but there may also be a sentiment that he can’t win at the end of the season. Anyone who claims they want to be voted out is going to have a hard time getting support at the end without the great argument of all time.

What could happen next?

Honestly, the biggest targets left in the game are Maria, Charlie, and Kenzie, but does anyone left see it? They’ve been the strongest social players as of late, and Maria in particular seems to be well-liked and insulated by almost everyone. It someone within this three does not win this season, we would be shocked.

Related Be sure to get some more news now on Survivor 46, what else is coming up

What do you most want to see moving into Survivor 46 episode 10?

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