Fallout season 1 finale: EP on Shady Sands timeline, discussion

Fallout season 1
Photo: Prime Video

Did Fallout season 1 change or significantly alter something within the timeline of the video games? We know this has been a big question for the past week, especially when it comes to the location Shady Sands.

Think about it like this — the show alludes to an event known as “The Fall of Shady Sands” that happens in 2277, which took place prior to the events of Fallout: New Vegas. However, in the game Shady Sands is still around. However, the place ends up being nuked by the time we get around to the TV timeline — which, for the record, is 2296. That means that 19 years have passed since Shady Sands first “fell.”

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For now, what we can say is that despite the confusion that is out there, the TV show has not retconned New Vegas, and the events of the games still happened in the established timeline. Speaking to IGN, executive producer (and guru behind the games at Bethesda) Todd Howard made that abundantly clear:

All I can say is we’re threading it tighter there, but the bomb falls just after the events of New Vegas. That’s when Shady Sands blows.

As for what exactly the “Fall of Shady Sands” truly was, perhaps that is something we’ll learn more about in season 2? At the very least, we currently consider that to be the hope. There has not been a second season officially ordered as of yet, but it is something that we certainly are expecting to get an announcement on before too long. The first season appears to be incredibly successful, so there is no real reason for Prime Video to cancel it.

Personally, it feels clear that Fallout season 2 will feature New Vegas to some degree, and we’d love to see other nods to the franchise in there, as well.

Related Get some more discussion around Fallout season 2, including what we could be seeing

What do you think we’re going to learn about the past in Fallout season 2?

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