The Gilded Age season 3 premiere date: Best case scenario

The Gilded Age season 2
Photo: HBO

It is a thrill to know already that The Gilded Age season 3 is coming — even if we are also well-aware of how long we will be waiting for it. Some of the cast has other commitments first, and that does also give the creative team a lot of time in order to hammer out the story.

So when you consider this long and elaborate waiting-game, what is the best-case scenario when it comes to the period drama? Note that we’re going to try and be realistic here, and not sit here and say that you’ll dive back into the world of George and Bertha Russell within a few months.

As of right now, it feels as though we will be lucky to see the show back in early 2025, and we honestly think right now that March is the ideal possibility here. That would make it so that the HBO show is not rushed, and that makes sense given that it takes a good while to make an episode. Sure, this is a situation here where there are not a lot of special effects or huge action sequences, but in between the costumes, the large number of extras required, and the specific locations, you want to give the producers time to make each story special.

So while March may be the best-case scenario, don’t be shocked if we are stuck waiting until either later in the spring or even the summer of next year to see it back.

Another thing to take into consideration

Even when season 3 is done filming and ready to go, that does not mean that HBO is going to air the next batch of episodes immediately. They can operate and move forward at their own pace, which they certainly did with season 2. (Remember how long of a wait that was? It was tough to bear at times!)

Fingers crossed that whenever production does start, we will hear more when it comes to casting news and some other good stuff.

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Gilded Age season 3 now — what more can you hope for?

What do you most want to see moving into The Gilded Age season 3?

When do you think we will actually see the show back? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back — there are some other updates ahead.

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