Grey’s Anatomy season 20: Is a hiatus looming?

Grey's Anatomy season 20
Photo: ABC

We know that there is a new Grey’s Anatomy season 20 episode airing on ABC tomorrow night, but what about beyond that? Well, let’s just say that this is where things start to get a bit crazier.

Well, the first thing that we really should note here is quite simple: We were hoping at one point that the network was going to just air the entirety of the season straight through, mostly because that feltlike the idea that was going to be the most fun for viewers and it would have justified the fairly-late start to the season. However, that is not happening, as there is a break scheduled next week; a 9-1-1 marathon is currently scheduled to air instead.

As for when the medical drama is actually going to resume the rest of the season, the folks at the network are not saying, but we tend to think the reasons for this break in the action are twofold. One explanation here is that this allows for the opportunity to let there be more episodes airing during the key May sweeps period. Also, this allows for all of the Thursday-night shows to have an opportunity to get all of their episodes together in plenty of time. Remember that they all did start substantially later as a result of the dual industry strikes that took place not that long ago.

While there are not too many specifics out there yet for the remainder of the season, there is going to be more of Ellen Pompeo as Meredith works on her secret project with Amelia. Meanwhile, of course the interns are going to learn plenty of lessons, Jo and Link discuss their future, and of course, we’re worried about some shocking event close to the finale. That is what we tend to get with this show time and time again.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Grey’s Anatomy now, including what else is ahead in the story

What do you most want to see moving into Grey’s Anatomy season 20?

Are you bummed that there is any hiatus on the way? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back — there are other updates ahead.

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