The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live season 2: More reunions?

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live season 1
Photo: AMC

Could The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live season 2 feature some incredible cast reunions? It’s a fun thing to think about — and of course, the idea of a season 2 at all is worth some discussion!

After all, at this point the subject of this is more of an idea than a reality, and it remains hard to see just when that is going to change. The first season did tie up most of the significant loose ends and while Danai Gurira and Andrew Lincoln are not ruling out something more, it seems like they are taking a little bit more of a patient approach to things.

Of course, the idea of possibly crossing over with some other parts of the franchise is something that has been discussed — and at the very least, Lincoln is curious about it! Here is some of what he had to say to The Hollywood Reporter:

… There are a few surviving personalities still in the universe, and it would be extraordinary to have them all breathe the same air at some point. It could be an absolutely tremendous, traumatic reunion of sorts.

It is our hope that over the next few months, there are going to be some opportunities in order to see everyone sit back and think a little bit further about what they want the next chapter of the franchise to look like. Sometimes, one of the best things that can happen creatively is to get some distance. The idea of The Ones Who Live took a long time to get from point A to point B, and we honestly would not be shocked if something similar happened in a potential season 2.

For now, all we can do is really hope.

Related Be sure to get some more thoughts now on The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live finale

Do you want to see The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live season 2 happen at some point?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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