The Way Home season 3 spoilers: Is someone visiting the future?

The Way Home season 2
Photo: Hallmark Channel

As we get ourselves prepared to see The Way Home season 3 over at Hallmark Channel, let’s dive in to the future now, shall we?

Or, to be specific, let’s talk about the idea that some of these characters could eventually travel to the future at some point down the road. To date, Kate and Alice have only been able to visit the past — and we have to imagine that Colton was the same way. (Remember, we’ve learned now that he was a time-traveler in his own right.)

So, while this feels impossible at the moment, will it appear to be that way forever? Speaking in a new interview with TV Insider, here is some of what executive producer Heather Conkie had to say:

“I don’t think anything is ruled out ever with our show … I think the minute you get in a writers’ room and have an amazing pitch, you can run with anything. But I do think at the end of the day, whatever rules we state about the pond, whether it’s through Elliot [Evan Williams] or through what Kat says or Alice, those are the rules and we will never stray from them because we want to keep the integrity of that pond, to be quite honest. It’s a character in and of itself, and it has its very clear rules. And what Elliot says in Episode 10 about the pond is about reflection is so true.”

Personally, we don’t think that this is something that the writers are super-eager to do right now, and for a multitude of different reasons. After all, if the Landry family can all transport themselves forward in time, is there a case to be made here that they almost have too much power? They are all good people, but what if they weren’t? Also, we imagine it would be a storytelling nightmare having to keep track of a lot of threads. Just remember for a moment how complicated things are already.

Related When are we going to have a chance to see The Way Home season 3 actually premiere?

Do you think that The Way Home will ever send its characters into the future?

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