The Bachelor episode 10 spoilers: Time change for Women Tell All

The Bachelor Joey
Photo: ABC

As you prepare to see The Bachelor and the Women Tell All special on Monday, there is one valuable thing to note. The show is coming, but it is also a little bit later than we’re used to.

Per the official schedule for the network, you are going to be seeing this episode (which will also include the final three Rose Ceremony) starting at 9:00 p.m. Eastern rather than 8:00. ABC is set to air an Oprah special in the earlier timeslot, which they clearly think is something that will prove to be pretty successful for them insofar as ratings go.

In getting back to Joey Graziadei’s journey, the first thing that we’ll say here is that we anticipate either Rachel or Kelsey being eliminated — Daisy being in the final two at this point feels like a lock. If Kelsey goes, it won’t be because Joey sends her out; instead, she may leave on her own based on that whole mystery with the letter saying “we need to talk.”

ABC has been a little more guarded when it comes to footage on The Women Tell All so far, but one thing does appear to be pretty darn clear at the moment — Maria is going to get a lot of air time. She and Joey will each have a chance to speak further about their connection but beyond just that, you will also be able to see in here more when it comes to how the other women react to her after the fact.

Is anything major going to get accomplished here? Probably not. These specials largely serge as a means for people to try and further enforce their point of view, but rarely does it work anywhere near as well as people like to think it does.

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What do you most want to see moving into The Bachelor episode 10?

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This article was written by Jessica Bunbun.

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