Grey’s Anatomy season 20 episode 2: Meredith’s secret research

Grey's Anatomy season 19
Photo: ABC

As we prepare now to see Grey’s Anatomy season 20 episode 2 on ABC next week, the door is 100% open for some other stories.

So, what could they be? Well, let’s just say that one of the biggest ones will revolve a little bit around Meredith trying to find a new way to carry on her Alzheimer’s research. She’s realized that she cannot do it in Boston the way that she wants right now, largely because they don’t have the full funding for it. As a result, she is going to have to get creative — and that is where Amelia comes in! At the end of the premiere Ellen Pompeo’s character asked for her help to keep things going and with that, the two have a chance to potentially work on this together!

As for what went into this particular story choice, executive producer Meg Marinis tells TVLine that a lot had to do with the writers wanting to preserve a fun dynamic between Meredith and Amelia moving forward:

“Part of the fun of research on the show is what’s happening while they’re researching — what’s happening in their relationships, how is their personal life impacting how they’re working on this.

“It’s also really fun to have that sister dynamic, because [Meredith, Amelia and Maggie are no longer] in the same place, so we don’t get to see that as a regular thing so much anymore. So having this shared research between the two of them really brings that nostalgic sister relationship to the fore.”

We know already that Pompeo will not be a part of every episode this season and yet, there are still multiple opportunities ahead in order to see her. That should mean we’ll get to check in on this project here and there — though, clearly, Amelia has a lot of other stuff on her plate at the same time. It comes with the territory of the job, right?

Related Get more news when it comes to Grey’s Anatomy right now, including more on episode 2 and what’s ahead

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