Quantum Leap season 3 spoilers: Lighthearted stories ahead?

Quantum Leap season 2
Photo: NBC

At the moment, we are still eagerly awaiting news on a Quantum Leap season 3 — and unfortunately, we could be in this spot a while.

So, while we suffer through all of the uncertainty, why not at least get more into what some of the upcoming stories could be about? We know that season 2 ended with what we’d call a game-changing cliffhanger, one that indicates that moving forward, Ben and Addison are going to be in a pretty different spot than anything that we’ve seen from them before. They are both in the past! Rather than swapping places, the two could be presumably leaping together. This could enable the two of them to rebuild their relationship while saving the timeline, but we have a hard time imagining it will be quite that easy.

What we can at least say is that if the show comes back, it seems as though the goal might be to tell some more lighthearted stories. Speaking on this further to TV Insider, here is what executive producer Dean Geogaris had to say:

“We’ve spent two seasons building up two great leapers and a supporting cast that now may or may not have a code that may or may not work again to pull people out, and it really becomes about what can we affirmatively do with this new dynamic … The fact that we can have a little more humor now because we don’t have this heaviness hanging over us. We spent two seasons building up a launchpad to a whole new journey.”

Our hope moving forward here is simply that these episodes allow the entire team to also have more opportunities to have some fun, even if the stakes are high. We’re sure that there will be danger and drama again in a post-Gideon world, but does it have to happen immediately?

Related Be sure to get some more news regarding Quantum Leap now, including the chances we see Sam Beckett

What sort of stories do you most want to see moving into Quantum Leap season 3, provided we get it?

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