NCIS: Hawaii season 3 episode 2 video: A funny team rivalry?

NCIS: Hawaii season 3
Photo: CBS

We know that there are going to be some pretty serious things at the center of NCIS: Hawaii season 3 episode 2 tomorrow night, especially when it comes to following up what we saw in the premiere.

For the sake of this article, though, why not focus on the fun? If you are a big-time fan of Lucy and Whistler (and odds are, if you read here regularly), you will probably appreciate the back-and-forth that happens between teams in this episode over who has some of the more exciting cases.

If you head over to the link here, you can see the sneak peek that we’re talking about with these two characters at the center of it. We don’t exactly think that this storyline is going to greatly inform or change some of what happens on the show moving forward, but does it really need to? We don’t tend to think so. Instead, it’s just nice to see these characters have a little bit of a friendly rivalry — and that they are all still getting stories. We know that a lot of the first two episodes this season in general have been a lot about resolving the end of last season and getting Tennant back into a more familiar position.

Will that happen by the end of episode 2? We tend to think so, largely due to the fact that it would be weird if this was an ongoing thing that shakes up the entire format of the show! Sam Hanna will still be around for the bulk of the season, but he will also have his own stories separate from Jane. After all, there is another reason why he is going to stick around Hawaii for a little while … but there will be time to explore that a little bit more later on.

Related Be sure to get some more news on NCIS: Hawaii now, including what else is coming up

What do you most want to see moving into NCIS: Hawaii season 3 episode 2?

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