The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live spoilers: EP on inspiration

The Walking Dead season 8 Rick and Michonne
Photo: AMC

The premiere of The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live is just a little over a week away from airing over on AMC. This is arguably the most-anticipate off-shoot of the show we’ve seen, and it is largely due to its leads in Rick and Michonne.

Are Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira’s characters going to reunite? That is the hope and if it happens, it is going to be in the midst of a series of chaotic, life-altering events. We know that the CRM, which has been teased through a lot of different versions of the show over the years, is a big part of the basis of things. Of course, the same goes for every singular event that have brought the main characters to this place.


So how did executive producer Scott M. Gimple approach this particular story after so much time in development? Speaking to SFX, he makes it clear that he really wanted to go with an epic, almost historically-focused version of this story:

“If they find each other, can they find each other? … When we talked about them, I thought about sweeping historical dramas with war, and stories told over years where the world comes between people. It affects them and it doesn’t make it easy.”

Our hope here is certainly that throughout the season, we will see the two overcome challenges and get back to each other — but also, that this reunion doesn’t just come about at the very end of the story. We obviously want to see the characters around each other for a significant chunk of it, largely because their bond is the basis for how everything should be told. Also, what’s the point of not having Gurira and Lincoln work together?

Related Check out more news on The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live leading up to the premiere

What do you most want to see moving into The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live premiering?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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