Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4: Stabler suspended

Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4
Photo: NBC

We don’t think it is any surprise that Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4 episode 4 contained a big twist for Elliot Stabler. After all, this is the last one before a hiatus! If there was ever a time to do something like that, this is it.

However, and unfortunately for Elliot, this is also one that plays a dramatic role in his short-term future, as he had to turn in his gun and badge over his actions in the episode. Despite his justification for what he did, the rules still are the rules and it is coming about at a pretty inopportune time all things considered. It is going to be a serious impediment to his work, and that is without even noting everything that is going on in his own personal life at the moment. It’s a lot to take in.

Of course, what we think Organized Crime is trying to tell us at this point is pretty simple: This is a really difficult world to be a part of a lot of the time and we just have to be aware of that. Also, Stabler still has a lot of demons to work out with his brother, and we didn’t even get to hear about the extent of all of them within this episode. Clearly, there’s something that is older brother is still keeping to himself, and that will have to be investigated further as the show presses on.

In a perfect world, we’d love to see Stabler be able to go and spend a little bit of time with Olivia as a form of comfort during this time — but we know the nature of their jobs. Also, clearly there is a ton of other stuff that Benson is currently dealing with.

Related Be sure to get some more news about what’s ahead on Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4 episode 4

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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