Magnum PI season 6 renewal hopes: A January 24 billboard!

Magnum PI season 5 part 2
Photo: NBC

It may be a solid three weeks now since the Magnum PI season 5 finale arrived on NBC, but did you think that the show’s fans were really about to quiet down? Well, then you have another thing coming!

If you head over to the link here, you can see more evidence of yet another awesome billboard in Times Square in New York City. This is a tradition that has been ongoing for several months now, with the hope being that either NBC will renew the show, or work to potentially shop it around. That’s something that we of course want, but we have to take things one step at a time!

With that, the first thing that we’re really hoping for here is quite simple: That there is a chance that we end up seeing the five-season run of the show shopped to Netflix, Amazon, or another subscriber-based streaming service. We tend to think that Freevee is a good foundation, but it’s not the service that is going to get the Jay Hernandez – Perdita Weeks show to explode outward in popularity. That could instead happen at a place that is well-known for consistent binge-watching, and also a place where everyone can watch the entire five seasons without hesitation.

If all of this happens, then we think the chances of a season 6 somewhere are significantly higher. Sure, it is true that nothing is guaranteed, but what’s wrong with having a little bit of hope? Stranger things have happened beyond Magnum PI being saved for a second time, and we tend to think that doors remain open.

As we wait for something more resembling good news here, we assume that the fanbase is going to keep doing what they do best: Fighting and working to spread the word. Long-term, there is still a lot to look forward to.

Related Be sure to get some more news on the Magnum PI season 6 effort

Are you still hoping to see a Magnum PI season 6 renewal over at NBC?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, be sure to keep coming back for some additional insight when we have it.

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