AGT: Fantasy League: Sainted choir get Simon’s Golden Buzzer

AGT: Fantasy League season 1
Photo: NBC

Tonight’s AGT: Fantasy League delivered a wide array of notable auditions — so who got the Golden Buzzer? Think Sainted!

We love this show when they are able to surprise us here and there, and we had no idea that the choir was going to be as good as they were tonight. This is the best that we’ve ever seen them, and we do think that some of it has to be due to them being extremely smart when it comes to their song choice. “Purple Rain” is just one of those iconic, unforgettable songs that we love hearing different renditions for. It also works really well in this sort of setting as a huge, group anthem. The moment they were done, it was hard to imagine them getting anything other than a Golden Buzzer.

After the performance, Simon made it clear that “Purple Rain” is his favorite song from all time, and at the same time, that Prince is in his mind the greatest artist who has ever lived. So obviously, this expectations were through the roof here, and they were met! Sainted now has a chance to compete later on this season, and we are now super-excited to see what they do from here. How do you top what we already saw here? That’s the real question.

In the end, we’re just mostly excited to see how they will stack up when we get to some of the later rounds of the competition … but it is really darn easy to sit here and be thrilled with what they gave us in this performance. It’s one that is going to sit with us for a long time and honestly, we wouldn’t want anything else when you are on this stage on a season that, in theory, should have higher stakes.

Related Be sure to get some more news on AGT: Fantasy League, including some other acts on the night

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