The Woman in the Wall episode 2 promo: What did Aoife know?

The Woman in the Wall Showtime
Photo: Showtime

As you get prepared to see The Woman in the Wall episode 2 on Showtime later this week, there is so much that we have to discuss! We are facing a mystery here that is very much complicated, and one that seems to be geared around answering a simple question: What really happened with Aoife? What died she know, and where is this story heading?

If you watched the premiere on the network / Paramount+ already, then you realize already the sort of story that we are dealing with — this is a tale of mystery for sure, but also trauma and those who are working in order to ensure that things stay covered up. Ruth Wilson’s character of Lorna is at the center of everything, but what can she do to untangle this mess? How many people will believe her even if she does find answers? These are things that, at least for now, she has to wonder about. (You can watch a full promo now for episode 2 over here.)

The only thing that we can guarantee here is that things for her are not about to get easier, and the same goes for the investigators who are intent on connecting the past to the present. They may have their list of suspects, but just how accurate are they?

Even though The Woman in the Wall already aired on BBC One in the UK last year, we’re glad that American audiences are going to get a chance to dive a little bit further into this mystery now — and also beyond that, understand the layers of trauma and memory that define this story. Lorna’s history of sleepwalking complicates almost everything you are going to see here … but it is absolutely not the only thing that does! From start to finish here, everything is complicated.

Related Be sure to get some more information entering The Woman in the Wall episode 2

What do you most want to see moving into The Woman in the Wall episode 2 over on Showtime?

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