Law & Order season 23: When will we learn more about Riley?

Earlier this week, we had a formal introduction to Reid Scott and his character of Vincent Riley on the Law & Order season 23 premiere. Now, let’s go ahead and raise another question: When are we actually going to learn more about him?
Ultimately, here’s the good news we can share — the producers aren’t going to make you wait too long to get some more information here! Speaking to TVLine, Camryn Manheim made it clear that you’re going to have a chance to learn a little more about his past sooner rather than later:
“We finally learn a lot about Vince Riley when we are hunting down a serial killer … It’s possible that he might have been able to have stopped that person long ago but was transferred for some unknown reason.”
Is there something nefarious that will be exposed here? That is possible, or it may just be something that allows us to have a long-term storyline for the character. We do tend to think that in general, this franchise is better when there are these stories that can be revisited here and there — it does give the Riley character more opportunities to shine, no?
At this point, we are curious to see what Scott does with this role — though at the same time, we’re still frustrated with how they managed to write out Cosgrove without all that much in the way of information about what happened. That might be something they revisit later on but for the time being, we have our doubts. We tend to think that the show is going to look more at embracing what exactly is right in front of us, and for some reasons that are pretty easy to see.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Law & Order season 23 back, including further details on the future
What do you most want to see from Riley moving into Law & Order season 23?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.