True Detective: Night Country episode 2: Jodie Foster, Kali Reis talk

True Detective: Night Country (season 4)
Photo: HBO

In just two days you are going to have a chance to see True Detective: Night Country episode 2 arrive on HBO — why not hear from Jodie Foster and Kali Reis now?

One of the things that is hard sometimes during a media tour for a show is getting to hear from multiple actors at the same time and ultimately, that is what made us happy to see both of the aforementioned performers on The Today Show this week. It was a chance to actually see their off-screen chemistry and how they really enjoyed working with each other. They each have such a unique story to share — Foster has obviously been a big-screen icon for decades, and Reid was better-known as a fighter for many years. Yet, they both know how to approach the work and inject so much humanity into their roles.

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If you head over to the link here now, you can see what each actor had to say leading into episode 2 of the new season, which is coming this weekend. On-screen, Foster’s Liz Danvers and Reis’ Evangeline Navarro are hardly the best of friends; they have had some difficult experiences working with one another before, and we don’t catch a vibe that they are super-excited to do so again. Yet, we also do think the two realize that they could benefit from one another’s expertise at this point.

After all, remember that Navarro has been working on a case involving the deceased Annie K. for a really long period of time, and it seems like there may be a connection between what happened to her and the shocking deaths of multiple people at the Tsalal Research Station. While there is no guarantee that the tongue at the facility belonged to Annie, we know that hers was never found; whoever is doing this seems to be sending a message.

Do we anticipate that the rest of True Detective: Night Country is going to be disturbing? Absolutely, but we also tend to think the performances from Foster and Reis will inject it with the necessary humanity. You need that in order for the show to work.

Related Be sure to get some more insight entering the next new episode

What do you most want to see from Jodie Foster and Kali Reid on True Detective: Night Country episode 2?

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