Death and Other Details season 1 episode 3: Danny questions

Death and Other Details season 1
Photo: Hulu

As we get ourselves prepared to see Death and Other Details season 1 episode 3 on Hulu next week, why not talk more about Danny?

If that name doesn’t catch your eye immediately, it’s because you may also be thinking here about Keith Trubisky. That’s the name most people aboard the ship know about as of right now, and there are so many questions that we have to wonder about when it comes to what he’s been up to … and also whether or not even Mandy Patinkin’s Rufus knows the full story at the moment.

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After all, there are a few different things to consider at the moment. Where should we start? Well, by noting here that Danny may have been spending a good bit of time before the cruise following Leila and Anna — Leila at least seems to think so! Was he looking for something specifically with the two of them? That is possible and yet, can they really be suspects in what happened to Imogene’s mother? They were too young! The reason this matters is because that is the case Rufus could not solve, and that is why he had his assistant digging into all of this in the first place.

We just think what makes Danny a pretty interesting character moving forward here is that Rufus may not be able to view him objectively. It is easy to assume that he may have died because he was too close to solving the case … but what if there’s something more that no one knows about? This is where Imogene could become super important in the next chapter of the story. Seeing the relationship between her and Rufus could be interesting, especially since we imagine they will deviate in philosophy here and there.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Death and Other Details now, including what else could be coming up here

What do you most want to see entering Death and Other Details season 1 episode 3?

What more do you think we’re going to learn soon about Danny a.k.a. Keith? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back for more.

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