Chicago PD season 11 episode 2 spoilers: Ruzek, back in action?

When it comes to Adam Ruzek entering Chicago PD season 11 episode 2 on NBC next week, let’s just say that there is good news and bad.
So, where should we start? Well, a good place may be as follows: Entering “Retread,” what we are going to effectively see her is a story that is largely all about what happens with this character — even if he is not back at his desk as of yet! Go ahead and anticipate a lot of big-time twists and turns here, not that this should come as too much of a surprise. Personally, we hope that this can be the springboard to get Patrick John Flueger’s character back to the team, but there is that legitimate fear right now that it is actually going to keep him away longer. What if something goes awry? At this point, it would seem rather silly to completely shy away of the possibility of this at present.
Without further ado, go ahead and check out the full Chicago PD season 11 episode 2 synopsis (per SpoilerTV) with some more information as to what lies ahead:
Despite being on leave, Ruzek gets mixed up in a case after a late-night poker game is raided.
Related – Get some more news on Ruzek staying put as a part of Chicago PD
What do you most want to see moving into Chicago PD season 11 episode 2 on NBC next week?
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