Found season 1 episode 13 (finale) spoilers: Huge Gabi moment

Found season 1
Photo: NBC

We don’t think that it comes as all that much of a shock that the Found season 1 finale will be stuffed full of emotion. How can it not? It seems entering this installment that Gabi is going to try to remove Sir from her life somehow, but we also tend to think that this is not going to be easy. We’re talking here about one of the most nefarious and manipulative people on all TV, someone who has a real knack for being able to anticipate her every move.

Is there a chance that Sir manages to escape before Gabi can do anything at all to him? That at least feels possible based on some of the previews that we’ve seen.

If there is anything more that we can say at this point, it is courtesy of star Shanola Hampton. In a new interview with Deadline, the actress had the following to say about a pivotal scene between her character and the M&A crew:

“By the end of it, Gabi ends up in the fetal position on the ground … That’s how gutted the whole thing is and that was a very impromptu reaction when I was shooting the scene, because it was so painful.”

This should just help to paint the picture of how shocking and pivotal the final episode of the season is. There are some loose ends from season 1 that need to be tied together here but beyond that, there’s also a season 2 that will be set up at the same exact time. This is a series actively working on a couple of different fronts, so you should just go ahead and be both prepared and aware of that right now. This isn’t a show that is going to make you feel comfortable all the time; instead, it exists to generate reactions. We tend to think it will continue working to do that and then some.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Found right now, including some other updates on what is coming

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