Law & Order: SVU season 25 premiere video: A baptism

As you get yourselves prepared to see the Law & Order: SVU season 25 premiere in under a week’s time, there’s a lot to be excited for! While we know that there are going to be cases and a lot of drama and emotion that comes with them, there is also going to be opportunities for character moments and milestones.
Case in point, the latest sneak peek for the premiere out there courtesy of NBC. If you head over to the show’s official Twitter, you can see some of what we are talking about here. Carisi and Rollins have welcomed their baby, and the entire scene takes place at a baptism. This is of course a huge moment for not just both parents, but also the members of the larger SVU family at the same exact time. This is where we also learn that Sonny is apparently trying to set Benson up, something that she may or may not be ready for.
As of right now, we do tend to think that a big chunk of this scene is meant to give us some more insight as to where Mariska Hargitay’s character is within her personal life, and that will become more and more apparent as time goes by. We know that there are huge chunks of the fandom that want her and Stabler together, and we can confidently say that we’re right there with many of them! The big question to wonder about here is simply when or if this is going to happen.
One of the biggest obstacles in the way of Benson and Stabler for this particular season may just be scheduling, given that the entirety of the franchise is going to be dealing with a pretty-compressed timeline due in part to the late start. We hope there’s still a way to make crossovers happen, but time will tell…
What do you most want to see on the Law & Order: SVU season 25 premiere?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.