True Detective season 4: Jodie Foster & Kali Reis’ new Q&A

Are you ready to see the premiere of True Detective season 4 on HBO in just a couple of days? Make no mistake, we are! We’re also hoping that there are some opportunities in the near future to see a wide array of shocking reveals. This show is dark, atmospheric, and above all else entertaining.
While we know that the series itself is incredibly dark and full of all sorts of ominous twists, that doesn’t mean all of the promotion has to be! With that, why not go ahead and hear something a little bit more from Jodie Foster and Kali Reis?
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If you head over to the link here right now, you can see a new video that features the two of them discussing a wide array of things pertaining to the show, life, and of course long winters. The show takes place during such a setting, and in a remote spot of Alaska where there are a number of people missing from a research station. (The show was actually shot in Alaska.) Reis even notes that during the process of making the show is when she was colder than she’s perhaps ever been in her life.
This was not the easiest show to make — there is no doubt of that. Yet, we also do tend to believe that the end result is going to be worthwhile and we are going to see something that makes us ask a lot of questions about these characters, their humanity, and what they want out of their lives. Remember that this is only six episodes, so it feels pretty darn fair to say that a lot of the story is going to move quickly.
What do you most want to see when it comes to True Detective season 4 on HBO?
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