Reacher season 2 episode 8 (finale): Who will die?

Reacher season 2
Photo: Prime Video

When you think about the sort of show that Reacher is on Prime Video, it feels like death is a big, unavoidable part of the equation. This is an action show with big muscles and big guns, and you have people fighting over extremely dangerous weaponry. In that sense, it would almost be strange in the event that there wasn’t some sort of big-time death at the end of the finale.

So who are we the most worried about? Really, we are thinking in terms of more than just a singular person. It really is a group!

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On the villain side, it feels almost inevitable to us that something crazy is going to happen with Langston, given that he’s been the head of New Age and the chief villain for a lot of the season. It would be weird in the event that he wasn’t taken down given the way in which this show works a lot of the time.

Could A-M also die? There’s a good chance of that, but we almost wonder at this point if you are setting up this character for something more later. If there is a battle between him and Reacher, will it almost feel rushed at this point? That’s at least something that is on our mind.

Could we lose one of the 110th?

Well, there are still a ton of questions at this point about what is going on here when it comes to Swan, and we do have our fair share of concerns about both Dixon and O’Donnell. Just remember that they aren’t exactly left in a good spot at the end of episode 7, and that could spell big-time trouble for both of them moving forward.

The only people we feel good about right now are Reacher and Neagley. We have a hard time seeing either of them go somewhere right now.

Related Be sure to get more news on this week’s Reacher — is Dixon dirty?

What do you think is going to be coming moving into Reacher season 2 episode 8?

How do you imagine that the finale is going to tie together loose ends? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back for some other updates.

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