Found season 1 episode 13 (finale) promo: Is Sir gone?

Found season 1
Photo: NBC

As we get prepared to see Found season 1 episode 13 over on NBC next week, there is quite a bit we’re left to wonder.

Take, for example, whether or not we’re going to see Sir actually escape. Is that really possible? We know that for a good bunch of the season, we’ve seen him fundamentally refuse to do anything to leave. He thinks in some twisted way that he and Gabi are forever linked, and he also knows that Gabi has been able to use him for some information here and there.

It goes without saying, but of course we’re also curious just how crazy things are going to get. The promo certainly makes us think that Sir is gone! Is that really the case? It could be, and the reasoning for it actually may be rather simple: There’s a good chance that he thinks that Gabi is about to either kill or arrest him, and it seems like that is actually going to be the case based on everything that we’ve seen. He may see the escape now as his only option … but how long will he really be gone?

The real truth about this show, and as hard as it may be to say in regards to Gabi, is that her and Sir’s relationship really stands at the forefront of everything. This dynamic is one of the real ones that is going to be explored more and more over time. With that in mind, we have a hard time thinking that we’re going to see Sir killed.

Even with that said, there are still opportunities for a few other twists. Go ahead and prepare yourself for at least one jaw-dropping outcome, if not more.

Related Be sure to get some more news regarding Found, including a few more details about what is coming

What do you think we’re going to see moving into the Found season 1 finale?

Do you think that there is some sort of big-time cliffhanger ahead? Share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back — there are so many other updates on the way.

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