Magnum PI season 5: Is any sort of spin-off ever possible?

Magnum PI season 5 part 2
Photo: NBC

As we get prepared to see the season 5 finale of Magnum PI in just one week’s time, does it make sense to discuss a spin-off at all?

We should start off here with the obvious fact that we’d all prefer a season 6 proper, unless of course we were getting a spin-off in addition to this. We do think there is something to be said for another show that exists within this same world; we saw it with Hawaii Five-0 even before the Jay Hernandez – Perdita Weeks series began. Could such a thing happen again? Anything is possible, but we haven’t heard anything suggesting this at the moment. If there was some sort of spin-off down the road, we tend to think it would be another reimagining of a classic show — is there one that could be moved setting-wise to Hawaii? There could be something fun to think about there.

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Anyhow, Zachary Knighton did note to TV Insider with a laugh that if one of his co-stars did manage a part in a new show, he’d be happy to come back as his character:

“If Stephen Hill went off and pitched a show about TC and TC was the lead of the show and it was all about his adventures, I would bring Rick back to do something like that … But otherwise, I think, Ricky’s going to get buried with this one.”

Based on what both Knighton and Weeks said in this article, they both are happy with where the show is leaving off their characters. Do we think that there could be more stories for Rick and Higgins in a hypothetical season 6? Absolutely, but there is something to be said for getting any measure of closure at all within the world of TV. That is something that not a lot of programs get. (We know that the Magnum PI season 5 finale was not necessarily created to be a series finale, but there was a proper ending written in just in case.)

Related Get more details about the final episodes of Magnum PI episode 5

If we don’t get a Magnum PI season 6, would you like some sort of spin-off?

Or, do you have an idea that could work alongside this show? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for other updates.

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