American Horror Story: Delicate episode 6 return date: Winter talk

American Horror Story: Delicate - Kim
Photo: FX

Are we going to have a chance to see American Horror Story: Delicate episode 6 air over the course of the winter? After the end of part 1 of the season earlier this fall, how can you not want more? The show left off on a big cliffhanger tied to Kim Kardashian’s character of Siobhan, and it does lead to a lot of questions about her true identity and her intentions.

On paper, we do tend to think there’s a good chance the show will return to FX before mid-March and yet, all of this bears some further examination within this article.

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So, where should we start? Well, it feels like a natural kick-off point to note that production on the remaining episodes has resumed following the SAG-AFTRA strike, everything will move forward at a rather brisk pace. We know that this franchise in general is known for turning episodes around rather quickly and with that in mind, our hope remains that the series could be back by February or early March. It also benefits FX to not wait too long, since you want this show to be front-of-mind for a lot of people.

If there is any reason why they may wait, it could just come down to scheduling. Given that the upcoming season of Feud is premiering on January 31 in the network’s Wednesday timeslot, there is a chance that they could wait until the other side of that to premiere Delicate part 2. Of course, you could also just move this show to a different time, such as airing it in the spot currently occupied by Fargo.

One way or another here, let’s just cross our fingers and hope for other updates soon!

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to American Horror Story: Delicate right now

What do you most want to see on American Horror Story: Delicate episode 6 at some point this winter?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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