Survivor 45 finale sneak peek: Austin after the blindside…

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Photo: CBS

With the Survivor 45 finale coming to CBS tomorrow night, what better time than the present to check out a sneak peek? There is so much to look forward to, and it really all begins with a chance to see how Austin reacts to the shocking events of this past installment.

Need a quick refresher? Well, remember this: Drew was blindsided and beyond just that, Dee didn’t clue him in on the plan! They’ve been close most of the game and even showmance-like as of late. This has to sting, and now Dee has to do her best to explain things to him after the fact.

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If you head over to the link here, you can see Dee preparing to speak with Austin in what may be her most important conversation of the entire game. If she can reassure him and keep him on her side, that will allow her to have insulation for a little while longer. Can she keep him and Julie on the same page as her? Well, if that happens, she can easily win this game at the final three and she’d deserve it.

What we know at the moment is pretty clear: Jake has a hidden immunity idol that he has to play. If he does play it and nobody knows he has it, we wonder if he could then take out the target of his choice. Katurah could be an easy person to look at if you are Reba and you’re concerned about an idol, but do you really want to get rid of someone you may be able to beat at the end of the game? This is why there are a lot of big questions that we have entering the final chapter.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Survivor 45 right now, including the most likely returning players from this season

Who do you think is going to be the winner of Survivor 45?

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