Quantum Leap season 2 episode 9 spoilers: Big surprises ahead?

Quantum Leap season 2
Photo: NBC

If you think you know what lies ahead moving into Quantum Leap season 2 episode 9 over at NBC, here’s what we can say: You may still be surprised! Based on what series star Raymond Lee is saying now, the remaining five episodes of the season are going to have a wide array of twists. We are sure that some of them are going to be tied to time-travel itself (can Ben actually find his way home?), whereas some others are going to be more themed around relationships.

Speaking to Collider, Lee indicated how a lot of bonds are going to be tested through the remaining installments of the season:

I’d say that whatever you’re expecting to happen is not gonna happen. There are bigger things at play than just these love relationships. We’re gonna see how these love relationships get tested by forces outside of them that they have no control over. We’ll see which relationship can really stand the test of time, so to speak.

As of right now, what we know is that Tom could be looking to make more of a larger commitment to Addison, and the two do have a great deal in common after everything that they have gone through over the years. Meanwhile, Ben has grown tremendously closer to Hannah Carson, though there is an inherent tragedy to their relationship: Ben can never be with her for all that long. Unless there is a way that this changes, these two are really just going to have these tiny windows of time to be together.

Unfortunately, there is no specific premiere date when it comes to the next part of Quantum Leap season 2; the only thing we know is “early 2024.” It’s just hope that at some point along the way, we are going to get some other updates.

Related Be sure to get some more news entering what’s ahead on Quantum Leap

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