Found season 1 episode 12: Will Gabi, Dhan kill Sir?

Found season 1
Photo: NBC

As we prepare to see Found season 1 episode 12 on NBC come January 9, are all bets officially off? Are things about to go completely berserk?

Well, let’s just start off here by saying this: Based on what we saw at the end of episode 11, we absolutely think there is room for a lot of crazy stuff coming. Gabi has realized that now that she knows the truth about Annie and with that, her sentiments have totally changed. She no longer sees some sort of inherent need to put up with Sir anymore and try to get answers or justice.

We saw a phone call made in last night’s installment and based on what we are seeing in the promo, Dhal is going to be stopping by. Is someone going to be killing Sir? Is there a reason to keep him around anymore? Of course, you could just make sure that he gets in handcuffs, but we also tend to think that Sir is the sort of person who will fight back once he becomes completely cornered in this way. It is somewhat crazy that he hasn’t felt that way already, given the fact that he’s been trapped in Gabi’s basement for most of the show.

While we may be waiting to see this next episode for a long time, one thing feels abundantly clear at this point: We’re going to see things be pretty nuts from here on out and honestly, we don’t know how else to describe it! If you are wanting a story here that is bold, dramatic, and absolutely bonkers, doesn’t it feel like we’re about to be getting that and then some? That’s, at least, our sentiment at this point.

Also, we are pretty darn thrilled to know at this point that a season 2 is coming … that makes our stress level easier.

Related Get some more news when it comes to the end of Found episode 11 right now

What do you think we are going to be seeing moving into Found season 1 episode 12?

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