Is Saturday Night Live new tonight on NBC, December 2, 2023?

Saturday Night Live
Photo: NBC

Is Saturday Night Live new tonight on NBC? We know that the show was on hiatus last week due to Thanksgiving. Is it going to be back in action within the near future?

Without further ado here, let’s go ahead and share the good news — the series is going to be coming back in a few hours! This is not only going to be a new 90-minute episode, but one hosted by the incredible Emma Stone. If that wasn’t enough, remember that this is when she is joining the legendary five-timers’ club, reserved for some of the best people to ever take on the job.

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Before even knowing what sort of legend is going to show up to bestow the honor on Emma, we can’t even imagine how awesome this must be for her. The self-admitted SNL super-fan probably grew up dreaming about hosting once, let alone on so many different occasions. Now, she gets to be honored among some of the best to ever be a part of this show.

No matter how sweet and sentimental that moment may be, here’s where you have to remember that there is still a lot of comedy that is still going to be coming after the honor is passed down! Emma is known for being game for just about anything on this show, and we certainly think the same will be said here. She could revisit some past sketches or opt to do something a little bit different. There’s a chance that there could be a spoof of the aforementioned The Curse, or that her co-star Nathan Fielder could turn up at some point.

Remember after the fact that there are some other great episodes coming this month, including the returns of Adam Driver and Kate McKinnon!

Related Be sure to get some more news on Saturday Night Live right now, including a preview featuring Emma

What do you want to see from Emma Stone on tonight’s Saturday Night Live episode?

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