Doctor Who – ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ promo teases horrors ahead

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Photo: BBC One

After what you saw on this weekend’s Doctor Who 60th anniversary special (part 1), you have to be excited for what lies ahead! Donna now remembers the past, she and The Doctor have a new Tardis, and they have been sent off on a mysterious and faraway adventure.

So what can we be said about next weekend’s “Wild Blue Yonder”? Well, BBE One and Disney+ are still doing a lot to keep things a secret, largely because they can. This show is about imagination and adventure, and the only thing that we can really confirm at present is simply that we’re going to be venturing far away from anything that we’ve seen as of late.

Also, the new promo for this episode (watch here) makes it clear that we’re on the cusp to see a story that is full of twists, turns, and even a little bit of horror. Early indications are that this is going to be one of the scarier episodes in some time, and we do think that this is going to set the stage for something epic in part three — namely, the appearance from Neil Patrick Harris as the Toymaker. While we can’t say that he’s the central villain at present, it certainly feels like he’s a formidable character who is going to bring a lot of good stuff to the table. Isn’t that an easy thing to want at the end of the day? We tend to think so, at least.

At this point, we’re just happy to see what is next on the other side of “The Star Beast.” After all, that proved to be a brilliant return for Russell T. Davies as showrunner and due to that, we’re even more stoked for what lies ahead.

Related Be sure to get more news on the first part of the Doctor Who anniversary special now, including the mystery of the Boss

What do you most want to see moving into the next Doctor Who episode after what we saw tonight?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back — there are so many other updates down the road.

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