For All Mankind season 4 episode 3: What’s wrong with Ed?

For All Mankind season 4
Photo: Apple TV+.

For All Mankind season 4 episode 3 was absolutely one of the longer episodes we’ve seen so far this season, but it also packed a lot of content into that space. We had opportunities to learn about a number of valuable things, and that includes a little bit more news in regards to Ed’s condition.

Even before the season began, we were starting to wonder if the end was near for Joel Kinnaman’s character on the show. He’s one of the oldest people in space now, he’s gone through a lot, and he also doesn’t seem to be all that interested in going back home.

Also, shouldn’t we have a much larger conversation now about the tremor that he has in his hand? It feels far more worrisome now than ever before, even if he’s been growing a certain plant out in space to deal with some of the aches and pains. He’s shared a paired of his secret now with Svetlana so he won’t suffer alone, but how long can he continue to operate on Mars with some health problems that could surface more and more over time? We do think this is something that we should be legitimately wondering about these days.

Beyond just this, we also wonder if Ed is going to end up being somewhat of an experiment when it comes to the long-term effects of people in different gravity. We have heard about some of this in real life when it comes to astronauts who spend extreme amounts of time out on space stations, but he is taking this to yet another level. We’re talking here, after all, about someone who is on another world!

We will see where Ed’s journey takes him but for now, we’re worried. We certainly know at this point that For All Mankind has zero issue when it comes to killing characters off.

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What do you think could be happening to Ed moving into For All Mankind season 4 the rest of the way?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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