Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4: First promo hopes

Just like so many of you out there, we are absolutely excited to see Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4 premiere on NBC! It is equally exciting to have a much better idea as to when it’s coming out. Come Thursday, January 18, you will have a chance to see more of Elliot Stabler and the rest of the crew on TV. What the season looks like remains to be seen.
Now that we have spelled all of that out, let’s go ahead and get to our next question here, as well: When are we going to have a chance to see the first promo? Well, let’s just hope that this is something that is going to happen by early January, at the latest.
Could it be before that? Sure, but it’s hard to imagine one with new footage surface anytime in the near future. Remember, production for the latest batch of episodes has not even started yet! The plan is for the cast and crew to reconvene at some point shortly after Thanksgiving and from there, episodes can start to be put in the metaphorical can. There could be some footage ready to go by late December, but do you really want to throw it out there right in the middle of the holidays.
So long as Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4 has a couple of weeks to air promos, we think it will be fine. As for the story itself, we’re anticipating something that will be full of action and plenty of other surprises.
Will we get a long-term story this season that spans the whole thing?
Given that there are a fewer number of episodes, we wouldn’t be upset about that at all. Why not try something a little bit reminiscent of season 1?
Related – Get some more news right now on the Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4 premiere date
What do you most want to see in a first promo for Law & Order: Organized Crime season 4?
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this article was written by Jessica BunBun.