Billions season 7 episode 9: Are Wendy, Taylor, Wags ‘frozen’?

Billions season 7

For those of you looking for some huge moments as we near the end of Billions on Showtime, let’s just say this: We’ve got one!

If there is one thing that we’ve learned about Mike Prince since his initial arrival on the show, it is simply this: He is a man who loves the sound of his own voice. He will say whatever is on his mind, pause, revel in how amazing it was, and then continue. If he can take down others along the way, so be it.

Basically, what we got in this episode was him thinking that he’d outflanked Wags, Taylor, and Wendy completely, bringing them into the office at the end and stripping them of all power before leading them into as much humiliation as possible. He pulled out all the stops, including finding a workaround on doctor-patient confidentiality, in order to make this happen. He still thinks that he can move forward with his Presidency. He always tends to think that he wins.

So … is this the end? Hardly. The problem Prince has right now is flying too close to the sun and ignoring the fact that there are characters out there who would love nothing more than to sweep in and cause a little bit of chaos in his realm. Enter Bobby Axelrod. This is the perfect time for Damian Lewis to come back, no? Luckily, we do know that this is happening.

We have at times criticized Billions for spinning its wheels, or at least moving around pieces on the world’s longest chess game. Yet, when it hits, it hits big. This is a real point of no return for a lot of different characters, and it could also create almost an Avengers moment with a number of characters coming together.

Prince is due for this fall … right? This isn’t a show that can end any other way…

Related Be sure to get some more news on Billions right now, including a little more insight on what lies ahead

What did you think about the big-time conclusion to Billions season 7 episode 9?

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(Photo: Showtime.)

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