Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: The post-Veto plan for Cameron

Big Brother 25

If you watched tonight’s Big Brother 25 episode, you saw at least some foreshadowing of what Cameron’s plan is this week. He nominated Felicia and Mecole, seemingly with the idea that he would be okay if either one of them goes. He did mention that Felicia is “100%” his target this week in the Diary Room, but does that really mean anything?

Well, let’s just say this: It doesn’t mean much. Cameron has said before that he won’t even tell his full plan to the Diary Room, and that seems to be the case here again. We think he was aware all week that he wanted Cory out if he has the chance and now, he’s got it.

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As of tonight, it seems like Cameron is (ironically) going to take his original target off the block with his Veto and from there, nominated Cory as a replacement. The logic there would be that Cory would have a better chance of going versus Mecole, and we do think the odds are in Cameron’s favor that he’d get what he wants. Cory has shown himself to be a big strategic threat through most of the season and while he hasn’t won much, he technically has won more than Mecole.

While there has been a lot of back and forth between other players as to whether or not this is the right move but at this point, Cameron doesn’t seem to care. He wants to do whatever he wants to do.

Who knows about the plan?

Well, a lot of people — ironically except for some of the key players involved. Cory and America are still in the dark, and we could have a blindside coming. We know that Jag has some doubts about this happening, but the idea seems to be that things could be smoothed over after the fact.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25, including other updates on the feeds

Do you think that taking out Cameron is the right move in Big Brother 25?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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