Big Brother 25: Did Cameron or Jared return to the game?
Sure, there have been uneventful stretches in Big Brother seasons past, but this was different in that the production really dictated this. There were no competitions or even diversions to keep the players engaged; instead, there was a lot of rehashing past events and just waiting to get here. Cameron won the right to compete in the solo challenge tonight, and he indicated that he would not be passing off the chance to Jared.
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If you need a reminder of how this week is working, here it is — if Cameron wins the competition tonight, he returns and Jared leaves. If he does not complete it in enough time, he leaves and Jared returns. Hilariously, if Jared returns it would mark the third time this season he’s “won” a competition without actually winning it himself. (He won HoH on a missed question once, and won a Veto that Matt decided not to take. The endurance was all him.)
So what happened tonight?
Well, let’s just said that all of this went according to our expectations. While it seemed dicey for at least a few seconds, Cameron has now made it back into the game. Meanwhile, Jared is now gone for good — at least he had more time to prepare for it? He does seem like his mom could be set up moving forward, or at least that’s based on what we have seen so far this season.
Related – Be sure to get more news on Big Brother 25, including who won HoH
Who did you want to see return to the game tonight on Big Brother 25?
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(Photo: CBS.)