Billions season 7 episode 7 trailer teases Axe, Chuck, Prince finale

Billions season 7

Leading up to the Billions series finale a little bit later this fall, why not check out a newly-released trailer courtesy of Showtime?

Over the weekend, the network released what you can call a “midseason trailer” with a handful of different highlights from what is coming — but most notably, one last power-battle with Mike Prince, Bobby Axelrod, and Chuck Rhoades at the center of it. Isn’t that what you want to see at this point? So much of this show from the very start has been about watching Paul Giamatti and Damian Lewis’ characters square off, so where in the world is it going to go from here?

If you head over to the link here, you can see the full trailer with a lot of the highlights. It is certainly inferred in here that Wendy is going to be a catalyst for a lot of things and honestly, we wouldn’t be all that shocked if she ends up being one of the last people standing at the end of all of this!

In the end, we just wouldn’t be super-surprised here in the event that we are leading towards some sort of mutually assured destruction for the three male leads at the heart of this show. While Chuck may purport himself to be this man fighting for the good of the city (and the country), you certainly know at this point he is as self-serving as anyone out there. We do think that there is a good chance that he is going to win, but what will the cost of that be? That’s another interesting thing to ponder over.

From the very start, Billions has never been a show that glamorizes the super-rich, and we have a hard time thinking that is going to change now. Let’s just hope for a lot of exciting chaos the rest of the way…

Related Be sure to get some more news on Billions right now, including some other updates

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(Photo: Showtime.)

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