Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Week 7 nominations

Big Brother 25

The week 7 nominations are now confirmed within the Big Brother 25 house — so did everything go according to plan?

Well, here is where we would say that this week is pretty darn interesting. Despite all of the arguing and drama of the past 24-36 hours, it feels like the bulk of the house wants the same thing. That means that Jared, as Head of Household, can actually use this period of time to cool off tensions and try to get people back on his side. Cameron is the clear target, but that doesn’t mean that he is up on the block right now.

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Jared went with the most-recent plan that he said before the nomination ceremony happened, putting up Cory and America for eviction. This is the move that makes the most sense for him, given that he only upsets two people who already have no interest in working with them. If either one of them goes home, he’ll be okay with it.

However, that doesn’t mean that either one of them will go home. So long as Cameron is not drawn in the Veto, there is a chance that almost every person playing in it tomorrow would use the necklace, enabling Jared to go through with his backdoor plan. From there, it is hard to imagine Cameron staying over either Cory or America. The truth here is that he just doesn’t have the sort of social skills to really win people back over — or at least that is what we’ve seen so far.

We will see what we get in terms of the Veto tomorrow — based on where we are in the season right now, we wouldn’t be shocked if this is where we end up seeing OTEV. It feels a little too early for Zingbot, but we could see the famed ‘bot back at some point over the next few weeks.

Related Did Jared through Izzy under the bus, even after her eviction from the game?

What do you think about Jared’s nominations within Big Brother 25 this week?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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