Big Brother 25: What is the big jury twist?

Big Brother 25

Entering tonight’s Big Brother 25 episode, we knew that Julie Chen Moonves was going to announce some sort of jury twist.

So, what was it? We personally wanted a twist where the entire jury stayed in the house, just from the vantage point of chaos. Of course, we’ve also heard other suggestions like America (the country) being a juror. Or, that there could be a final three this season.

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So what was the actual twist as revealed at the end of the episode? Well, Julie made it clear that they are going a little bit “old-school” with the way they are doing the jury this season. There are only seven people making it there and because of that, there are two more people who are not going to make it there.

Is this as dramatic as we thought it was going to be? Not really, but we honestly don’t think that we need a nine-person jury at the end of the day. Seven is enough to really vote for a winner, and we also tend to think that making it to jury really should be an honor. We do think that a lot of people just play the game to make it that far and really, that should not be the main goal here. You want to play to win! It’s our hope that everyone remaining really goes for it hard.

Of course, this jury twist does mean that some other ideas are thrown out the window … but there were certainly a lot of fun ones out there that hopefully, we will see the producers consider down the road. After all, another season feels pretty darn inevitable, no?

Related Get more news on Big Brother 25 right now, including live updates on the HoH competition

What did you think about the jury twist on Big Brother 25 tonight?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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