Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony silliness

Big Brother 25

We’re still a good 24 hours away from the Veto Ceremony happening within the Big Brother 25 house and yet, there’s still a lot of talk about it!

With that being said, a lot of this talk is complete silliness facilitated by the person in Jared who actually has control for the week. He won the Veto yesterday (or technically, he got it by default), so it doesn’t really matter what Head of Household Cameron wants.

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However, even still Jared has spent a good chunk of the day talking to Matt about various things to say to Cameron to encourage him to not want to go after Cirie right now — or, say that she can be targeted later. For some reason, he also threw in there that Cirie would win any jury vote at the end and we have no idea why he would say that other than maybe throwing people off the scent. Jared has also spent a lot of time here trying to throw Jag under the bus.

What do we think Jared is trying to do here? More than likely, find a way in order to ensure that Jag is thought of as a replacement nominee but even still, attempting that is a risk since you don’t know if Cameron is going to do whatever he says. This is someone who lied to the entire house before nominations! We think ultimately, Felicia and Izzy will stay on the block and Felicia will likely be taken out, even if there are a lot of conversations otherwise.

While all of this is happening…

We do think that we’re going to be seeing a lot of comedy over the next few hours, given that Cirie and Felicia are still doing their tandem kayaking punishment. Meanwhile, we do think that Izzy and Cam are going to be pretty tired after spending most of the night doing the backyard punishment wearing the pig costumes.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25, including a few other details on the feeds from earlier today

Do you think Jared is going to get himself in trouble on Big Brother 25 with all of this talking?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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