Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: America, Cory kiss; a pig task
Now, we will note first and foremost that a lot of people out there don’t care at all about such things within the game and understandably so. Showmances are not exactly fun for feeders, but America and Cory have proven to be an exception for some of the season. They are both superfans, and the hilarious thing here is that both of them, on some level, should be aware that this is bad for their game. However, they also cannot help themselves at the end of the day. They just have chemistry and a good sense of humor.
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Also, last night the two finally kissed — which Cory was resistant to do for a long time. However, Big Brother is a long game and with most people in this spot, they do tend to give into temptation over time. We can’t say that we’re altogether shocked about this one here at all.
As for other updates from overnight
Given that it still feels fairly clear that we are going to be seeing Jared not use the Veto (leaving Felicia and Izzy on the block), there is some other value in talking about the punishments.
For Cameron and Izzy, the two spent the bulk of the night moving dirty from one trough to the next in pig costumes — which actually looked rather comfortable compared to some others we’ve seen over the years. Izzy was really excited about doing it, though, thinking it would make her memorable. Cam actually went along with her enthusiasm willingly, realizing it meant something to him and thinking that she would be out of the game soon anyway. (The reality is that Felicia will probably be sent out this week.)
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 25 from yesterday, including the Veto win
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(Photo: CBS.)