Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Week 6 Veto preview!
Well, we should start by noting that the competition began far earlier than we expected today, but there may be some specific reasons for that including the super-hot weather in Southern California this weekend. If this is a physical competition, you don’t want anyone to be out there passing out!
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Now, we should get to what we’re hinting at here: Doesn’t it make sense for today to be OTEV? Given that this is HumiliWeek, it feels logical to have some sort of super-gross competition themed around this. If this is the case, then you can easily argue that it benefits some people playing today like Cameron, Jag, Matt, and Jared. Unfortunately, the nominees in Izzy and Felicia could struggle a little more with this. (The reason it may not be OTEV is because Josh Duhamel is somehow involved in this — but maybe he’s voicing OTEV or something?)
With that being said, we honestly don’t know if Izzy really wants to win all that much. She’s been talked out of keeping herself on the block if she wins, but she is pretty confident that she stays versus Felicia and she doesn’t want Cirie to be put up there. Technically, we think that Cirie is probably okay no matter what unless she throws herself on her own sword. We have heard her sort of say that she wishes she loved the Big Brother game as much as some other people who are a part of this season, but we don’t read too much into that.
Yet, here is something to think about right now: If Cirie does get on the block, she may not want to fight too hard in fear of exposing Jared. She is clearly going to be thinking beyond just herself in a way that she hasn’t in the past. Jared is not anywhere near as good a player as her, but he is in a pretty solid spot in the game right now.
Related – Get more of the chaos from overnight in the Big Brother 25 house right now
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(Photo: CBS.)