The Wheel of Time season 2 episode 4 air date: Schedule ahead

The Wheel of Time season 2

After the long-awaited premiere today on Prime Video, of course it makes sense to want to know The Wheel of Time season 2 episode 4 air date! We’ve been lucky to get three episodes here, so are we going to be getting something similar to this moving forward?

Well, we would love to say that this is going to be the case but, in the end, our advice is not to count on it. The three-part premiere event is mostly just that … an event. As we move forward, the plan for the Robert Jordan adaptation is to air a single episode a week. That means that you’ll see episode 4 when we get around to September 8, and the plan is to keep the show around until the finale at the start of October.

So why does Prime Video do things this way, whether it be The Wheel of Time or some other series? They are trying to have the best of both worlds, whether it be the binge-watching model of Netflix or the weekly releases that we see on network TV. They realize that there is not as much value that comes with releasing all the good stuff at once and, as a result, they would like to keep a show in conversation for at least a little while longer, if they can.

As we’ve said in the past, you don’t have to worry too much about the ratings here for the immediate future. After all, it is 100% confirmed that there will be a season 3! Because of this, the only thing you really have to concern yourself with right now is what is going to happen with the individual characters. There are chances to fret about a possible season 4 down the road.

Related Check out some more news on The Wheel of Time right now, including some more discussion courtesy of the cast

What do you most want to see when it comes to The Wheel of Time season 2 episode 4 on Prime Video?

Do you wish that we got all of the episodes at once? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, be sure to come back for other updates.

(Photo: Prime Video.)

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